Every person may experience fears or phobias. It can be as simple as a flying insect or as scary as thunder and lightning. If an ordinary person can be afraid of these things, what more is a person with ASD? A simple thing to you can be dreadful...
Read More ›In a society full of judgments and expectations, it can be challenging for people with Autism Spectrum Syndrome to mingle. You will always come across narrow-minded people, and their criticisms may make it more frustrating. But then again, it is...
Read More ›Raising a child with autism is a challenge, most especially when it comes to handling their meltdowns. which are their reactions to extreme stress. This is one of the most misunderstood parts of children with autism. As a provider of behavior...
Read More ›Everyone is different and unique in their way. Autistic people, for example, have a peculiar way of thinking about things. Most of the time, this thinking can lead to creative ideas and innovative solutions. As a provider of applied behavior...
Read More ›Young as they are, children are prone to fits of violence and aggression. In fact, aggression is one issue that behavior therapy in Pembroke Pines, Florida attempts to address. Of course, to come up with a solution, we will need to analyze...
Read More ›One of the problems that behavior therapy in Miramar City can help address is insomnia or difficulty sleeping in children. Sleep is necessary for children to maintain their growth spurt, especially between 7 and 11 years old. However,...
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